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About us – GMF Securities

About us

WELCOME TO GMF Securities Ltd

GMF Securities Ltd. is the first Broker House in Bangladesh.



GMF Securities Ltd. has launched its own OST (Online Share Trading) in its Kawranbazar Branch. Our motto is “Our Business depends on your Success”. That means we will provide you all necessary support services to make you a successful investor. As the world of financial services becomes increasingly complex, adapting to the ever evolving business environment is critical. The emergence of new capital markets as well as advancements in technology present exciting challenges as well as opportunities to investors. We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients through supreme services.

GMF Securities Ltd. is the first Broker House in Bangladesh to provide real time online trade facility to its valuable investors. BO account holders of GMF Securities Ltd. can enjoy this true online facility without any hassle of physically going to broker house or being put on hold during phone trade. With the advent of mobile Internet facilities, one can truly access Internet from remote corners of Bangladesh for the very first time.


Company Milestones

GMF Securities Ltd. Is a member of Dhaka Stock Exchange Lts. Bearing Membership no. 186, duly registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as Stock Dealer & Stockbroker.

1970 – Mr. Giasuddin Ahmed of Deobhogh North Road, Narayangonj

1995 – M/S Giasuddin Ahmed & Co.

2006 – GMF Securities LTD., A Private Limited Company

2009 – Mr. Mahtab uddin Ahmed, Former Managing Director, was awarded as the number one Taxpayer

2009 – GMF Securities Ltd. Was the first brokerage house to introduce an online platform for its clients

2020 – GMF Securities ltd. Was one of the five houses who had moved to the new Nikunja DSE Tower in February 2020


Our goal is to be a market leader by providing all encompassing international standard brokerage services to maximize the wealth of our investors with confidence.


We are strongly committed to establishing a lasting relationship with our clients by providing quality services with integrity, maintaining corporate governance through our skilled and qualified human resources, our joint commitment to develop and contribute to the capital market and contributing to the social responsibility and economic development of the country.


we provide high class client services.